Technical SEO Consulting Services:

Modern SEO consulting is now more complicated than ever. Rich meta data, mobile optimization, local SEO, user behavior, and algorithm diagnostics, are just some of the complex topics that the present day SEO specialist needs to have an in depth understanding of.

Links and content are still a vital part of the SEO strategy process. However, without an advanced understanding of the technical foundation that is required, money can be wasted on services that don’t ultimately help aid revenue growth.

As a SEO consultant, Joe focuses his efforts in increasing his client’s ROI, by working with them to build a bulletproof infrastructure that search engines love!

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  • TRAFFIC ANALYSIS: In the first section of any audit or analysis Joe focuses on the organic search traffic that the domain is receiving. The goal of this process is two part: Identify any traffic patterns that are indicative of search engine algorithm filter or penalty; and to identify which sections of the domain are preforming the best and worst. Understanding both of these areas is crucial to developing a successful strategy.
  • INDEXATION ANALYSIS: In this section Joe reviews all aspects of the domain’s information architecture as it relates to how a search engine indexes pages. This includes, internal linking structures, URL structures, main navigation, page segmentation, robot directives, XML and HTML sitemaps, and other aspects.
  • MARKUP ANALYSIS: Checking your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for SEO best practices is required for any SEO audit. With Joe’s markup audit he manually reviews every page for SEO best practices in regards to Schema integration, accessibility, page load speeds, content accessibility, diversified meta data, and any other aspect of the front end UI that relates to SEO.
  • CONTENT ANALYSIS: In the content analysis section Joe reviews content found on the domain in two ways. Content that attracts inbound signals, and website content that is aligned with targeted user intent. Content that attracts inbound signals is content that organically attracts traffic and links. Content marketing that is aligned with targeted user intent, is content that is optimized for targeted keyword ranking. This section typically pairs well with content marketing to insure that both technical SEO and content marketing work well together.
  • BACK LINK ANALYSIS: Having a sound backlink profile is a crucial part of any SEO effort. Joe’s backlink analysis strives to reach three goals: Identify high risk patterns, ascertain strengths and weaknesses, and uncover any opportunities for growth in existing links.
  • UX ANALYSIS: Studies show that web sites with heightened user experiences attract more inbound signals that impact search rankings and traffic. Inbound links, increased page views, and lower bounce rates are just a few metrics that can be improved with better UX. With Joe’s usability analysis he looks to increase usability for heightened SEO performance as well as increased conversion rates.
  • SEO STRATEGY ROAD-MAP: Fixing problem-points and adhering to best practices is only the beginning. To make sure that you have long-term growth within the search engines, a concrete strategy that focuses on your business’ needs is needed. Because of this we provide a strategy section on every audit that includes focused recommendations for long-term growth and increases in your target KPIs.
Joe Hall provided HostDime with a thorough site audit that brought to light many issues. He was even able to narrow down what update caused our rankings to drop and set out an action plan ensure future sustainable success. He is always on time, insightful and goes above and beyond. - DAN SILBER |

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Consulting, Areas of Focus


  • Google Analytics Optimization

    Google Analytics Optimization: Google Analytics can provide valuable data and insight to your entire digital marketing efforts! However, if not optimized correctly you may not be using it to it’s full advantage. Or even worse, it maybe providing false data that can lead to bad decisions. Joe can help optimize your Google Analytics implementation to ensure you are using it in the best way possible.

  • Strategy Development

    Strategy Development: Having a clear and actionable SEO strategy is vital to any digital marketing effort. While best practices need to be understood, a good strategy should be tailor made for each client. Joe can help develop aggressive SEO strategies that mitigate risk, increase ROI, and integrate well into an existing digital marketing campaign.

  • Backlink Analysis

    Backlink Analysis: Back links are the cornerstone of any successful SEO effort. However, they also tend to be the riskiest element in search engine optimization. Joe has extensive experience in both back link development and analysis. His analysis both mitigates risk, and identifies new opportunities.

  • SEO Risk Analysis

    SEO Risk Analysis: To get the best results from search engine optimization you have to be constantly aggressive while mitigating risk. Understanding, the risk associated with your current implementation, and the risk associated with a future strategy is extremely important to continued success. Joe’s risk assessments rely on in depth data analysis based on pattern matching rules that look for the type of perceived manipulative patterns that Google uses to apply filters and penalties.

  • Panda Algorithm Risk Analysis

    Panda Algorithm Risk Analysis: The Panda algorithm filter has been responsible for adversely affecting millions of web site’s traffic and rankings. Is your site at risk? This analysis is perfect for those that know they have excellent backlinks, but aren’t so sure about the structure and content of their web pages.

  • SEO Design Strategy

    SEO Design Strategy: The website redesign process can have a significant impact on a website’s search engine optimization performance. Making the right design decisions regarding layout, internal linking, changes to content, and other fundamental SEO elements can have a dramatic effect of the success or failure of a website SEO performance. Joe can help you develop an SEO redesign strategy that helps encompass your new design elements with SEO best practices to both mitigate the risk of traffic loss and improve future performance within the search engine result pages.

  • Predictive Analytics

    Predictive Analytics: No one can read the future. But with the right analysis, Joe can help you have a better idea of what can be expected given different scenarios. Joe uses historical analytics, ranking, trends, and other types of data sets to give clients multiple snapshots of future traffic and ranking trends.

  • Penguin Algorithm Risk Analysis

    Penguin Algorithm Risk Analysis: The Penguin algorithm filter has hit millions of sites with in Google’s search index. This algorithm attempts to identify backlink patterns that are the result of violating Google’s guidelines. However this filter has also been known to hit completely innocent sites. This type of risk analysis can help identify patterns with in your backlink profile that may activate this filter in the future. The sooner you are able to ascertain risk, the faster you can begin to mitigate!

  • ROI Optimization

    ROI Optimization: A company’s marketing budget can be the most important budget allocation made all year. Because of this, it is vital that a high and sustainable ROI is always with in your sights. Joe’s ROI optimization process can involve conversion rate optimization, usability reviews, or any other host of analysis that is meant to increase the power of your marketing budget.

  • Website & Domain Valuations

    Website & Domain Valuations: Buying an existing domain name or website can be confusing especially while evaluating perceived cost. Joe can help you before and during negotiations by providing valuable data and analysis from an SEO/marketing perspective.

  • Retainer Consulting

    Retainer Consulting: Some organizations don’t have the budget or need for a full time SEO, but do occasionally need help or guidance. When Joe is on retainer with an organization it puts him only a phone call/email/IM away! He can be available to assist with all of your SEO needs within an allotted amount of hours. He loves working with teams all shapes and sizes, and prides himself on working hard to improve his communication skills with every new client.

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After the Audit


Perhaps your in-house team is maxed out? If you need help executing recommendations from Joe’s SEO audit, Hall Analysis can set you up with a trusted vendor who specializes in the SEO execution your company needs.

Take your data to the next level with Joe.
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