JSON-LD Schema Generator For SEO v2

One of the easiest ways to add Schema’s structured markup to a page is to use JSON-LD. With this tool you can quickly generate the correct JSON-LD for any page on your site. Just follow the instructions below and let us know if you have any questions.

  1. Choose the type of structured markup you’d like to create.
  2. Fill out the form on the left as much as possible.
  3. When complete, copy the newly generated JSON-LD on the right.
  4. Paste JSON-LD in the <head> section of your HTML document.
  5. Test implementation with the structured data testing tool.

Select the type of markup you want to create:


More About JSON-LD

JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data or JSON-LD, is a WC3 standard web site method of structured markup implementation using the JSON notation. It uses a ranked system of name-value pairs and is simplistic in its application and less prone to human errors.

It has been especially developed for communicating information using linked or structured data vocabularies, including schema.org; and, is the most practical solution to add semantics to raw JSON data if you have many documents archived in a file or database. Moreover, if you do not have the ability to edit your website’s pages, you can post your structured data to the head of your HTML page and make context more readable by a human if it is not widely intermingled with HTML layout code.

One of a computer’s most challenging tasks is to correctly determine the meaning of structured markup from different multiple, websites and figure out how a name or type is used in each case. Assigning an entire URL to describe a specific name or specific homepage is too time-consuming and too complex. This is where JSON-LD comes into play. Ideally, you want to write and describe JSON-LD code in “context shorthand”, so to speak, which can be easily read and understood by search engines.

Major search engines like Google, Yandex, and Bing as well as many smaller search engines like Addictomatic, BoardReader, and TwitterSearch can understand JSON-LD in web pages. One way your context can stand out on a search engine results page is to include relevant, concise, high-quality content, with links and reviews about a specific query product. Search engines will “see” well-presented structured data embedded in the web page and deliver this in rich search results which increases the potential of how many clicks the page will earn.

Rich search results is a valuable gem for business’ to improve their SEO strategy since the user can already view a large portion of relevant information about the website before the link is even clicked. For example, to encourage a user to click and read further about a local business’s specific product, certain key details must be available:

  • The business product’s name, description, and linked reviews
  • The personal benefit of selecting a business’s product versus a competitor’s
  • The price of the product or service
  • The availability of the item(s) or service

The following example is for a local restaurant.

<script type='application/ld+json'> 
  "@context": "http://www.schema.org",
  "@type": "FoodEstablishment",
  "name": "Drakes Duck-In",
  "url": "http://www.drakesduckin.com/",
  "logo": "https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5841dd_4b19875613b44f64a7662fca222b01d3~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_417,h_245,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/5841dd_4b19875613b44f64a7662fca222b01d3~mv2.png",
  "image": "https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5841dd_a4f9645c66e943668a514ce525492b1f~mv2_d_2048_1579_s_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_1010,h_779,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/5841dd_a4f9645c66e943668a514ce525492b1f~mv2_d_2048_1579_s_2.webp",
  "description": "We are still local, still family-owned, and still feeding generations of Columbians with an experience that can't be replicated anywhere else. ",
  "address": {
    "@type": "PostalAddress",
    "streetAddress": "1544 Main St",
    "addressLocality": "Columbia",
    "addressRegion": "South Carolina",
    "postalCode": "29201",
    "addressCountry": "United States"
  "geo": {
    "@type": "GeoCoordinates",
    "latitude": "34.006116",
    "longitude": "-81.035707"
  "hasMap": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Drake's+Duck-In/@34.006289,-81.0375657,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88f8a4d48c8f680d:0x8f853559d380a590!8m2!3d34.006289!4d-81.035377",
  "openingHours": "Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr 08:00-05:30 Sa 08:00-19:30",
  "contactPoint": {
    "@type": "ContactPoint",
    "telephone": "803-799-9290",
    "contactType": "general"

Notice the linked data must be inserted within curly brackets to be parsed by the search engines or attached to the page. You must also include a comma after every property but the last one. This alerts the search engines parsing your code that there is more information to follow. If you add a comma to the last property, it will result in a JavaScript error.

JSON-LD is just one way to add structured data to a web page. Another option is RFDa RDFa, is a method used by web developers to weave machine processable data into web documents without altering the general appearance of the content. The embedded data, known as meta data, may include social media linkages, geo-tags, pricing information, authorship and publication data, and can be extracted from the web content with general ease. The goal of embedding machine processable data into your published content is to make your web content more easily indexed by search engines, web browsers and social media outlets, usually for marketing purposes.

RDFa, or Resource Description Framework in Attributes, is a type of HTML5 extension that helps web site developers mark documents with specific attributes that are embedded in the text. Using structured data technologies, web content can be marked with specific attributes such as people, places and events. Or you can have structured data markups applied to your content that are meant to define or categorized by the type of content that is being presented such as reviews or recipes. This embedded meta data can help you attract more visitors to your web site. This makes structured and linked data technology an essential part of the optimization process and an important tool for web developers who want to offer their clients the best web development services possible.

Benefits of Structured Data

Search engines and social media companies are intent on indexing structured data markups in web content. Therefore, it makes a great deal of sense for companies to upgrade their website with structured content to all of their web pages, making it easier for the search engines and social media web sites to index them. Adding structured data that search engines can easily index will offer you a number of immediate benefits, including:

  • Improve your SERPs – Improving your SERPS or search engine search pages means that the more your web site’s content is indexed by the search engines, the higher your pages will rank on search engine searches.
  • Increased Conversions – The more visitors you have to your web site, the more likely they are to make purchases, which will greatly improve your conversion rate.
  • Increase your CTR – Improving your SERPs will lead directly to an improved CTR or click through ratio. The higher your web site ranks on the search results, the more likely it is that people will click through.
  • Better ROI – By increasing your search engine rankings, click through ratio and conversion rate, the inevitable result is an increased return on your investment.

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