Understanding Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4
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Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of Google Analytics, which is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. GA4 is designed to provide a more comprehensive understanding of customer behavior across devices and channels, and it uses machine learning to generate insights and predictions about user behavior. Some of the new features in GA4 include enhanced data collection, improved user identification and cross-device tracking, and the ability to analyze data from other Google products like Google Ads and Google BigQuery.

Google Universal Analytics (UA) is a version of Google Analytics that was introduced in 2013. It is an update to the classic Google Analytics (ga.js) and it provides new features and capabilities to help businesses better understand their customers and website visitors. Some of the key differences between classic Google Analytics and Universal Analytics include:

  • Improved measurement capabilities, such as the ability to track user interactions across different devices and platforms
  • Enhanced data collection, including the ability to track user-id and custom dimensions
  • An updated tracking code (analytics.js) that allows for more flexibility and customization
  • The ability to integrate with other Google products, such as AdWords and BigQuery

Universal Analytics is now replaced by GA4, and GA4 is designed to provide a more comprehensive understanding of customer behavior across devices and channels, and it uses machine learning to generate insights and predictions about user behavior.

The main difference between Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the way data is collected and analyzed.

Universal Analytics is based on a traditional, session-based model, where a user’s interactions with a website are grouped into sessions, and data is collected and reported based on those sessions. It mainly focus on website visits and activities, and it provides a wide range of features and tools for analyzing website traffic and user behavior.

GA4, on the other hand, is based on a more holistic, user-centric model, where data is collected and analyzed based on individual users and their interactions across devices and channels. It uses machine learning to generate insights and predictions about user behavior. It also provides more comprehensive understanding of customer behavior across devices and channels, and provides more insights and predictions. It also includes new features such as enhanced data collection, improved user identification and cross-device tracking, and the ability to analyze data from other Google products like Google Ads and Google BigQuery.

In summary, Universal Analytics is focused mainly on website visits and activities, while GA4 is focused on providing a more comprehensive understanding of customer behavior across devices and channels, and it uses machine learning to generate insights and predictions about user behavior.

How To Setup Google Analytics 4 with Google Tag Manager

Here are the general steps to set up Google Analytics 4 (GA4) with Google Tag Manager (GTM):

  1. Create a GA4 property in your Google Analytics account. This will generate a unique measurement ID that you will need to use in GTM.
  2. Create a new container in GTM. You can do this by going to your GTM account and clicking on “New Container.”
  3. In the “Tag Configuration” section, click on the “Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration” tag template.
  4. In the “Measurement ID” field, enter the GA4 measurement ID that you obtained in step 1.
  5. In the “Tracking ID” field, leave it blank.
  6. In the “Fields to Set” section, you can set any additional configuration options you want, such as custom dimensions or metrics.
  7. Save the tag configuration and publish the container.
  8. Create a new trigger in GTM, this trigger will fire the GA4 tag on your website.
  9. Publish the container and the GA4 tag will start collecting data on your website.
  10. Verify the implementation by checking if the GA4 tag is firing on your website in the preview mode of GTM and also you can check the data in GA4 real time report.

Please note that these are general steps and may vary depending on your website and specific use case, so it’s always a good idea to consult the official documentation and resources provided by Google.

Do you need a Google Analytics 4 Consultant?

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that can provide valuable insights into your website’s performance and user behavior. However, many businesses struggle to make sense of the data and fully utilize the capabilities of the platform. This is where I can help you or your business as a Google Analytics consultant and analyst.

A Google Analytics consultant is an expert in the field who can help you set up and optimize your analytics tracking, interpret and analyze the data, and make data-driven decisions to improve your online presence. Here are just a few of the ways that my Google Analytics consulting can benefit your business:

  • Proper tracking setup and implementation: I can ensure that your tracking is set up correctly and that you are collecting the data you need to make informed decisions.
  • Data analysis and interpretation: I can help you understand what the data is telling you, identify key trends and patterns, and make sense of the numbers.
  • Custom reporting: I can create custom reports tailored to your business’s specific needs and objectives, making it easy to track progress and identify areas for improvement.
  • Optimization and testing: I can help you test different strategies and tactics to optimize your website’s performance and improve user engagement.
  • Data-driven decision making: I can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on the data, helping you make informed decisions to drive business growth and improve ROI.
  • Integration with other tools: I can help you integrate your analytics with other tools, such as Google Ads and Google Tag Manager, to gain a more complete picture of your online performance.
  • Training and education: I can provide training and education to your team to help them better understand the data and how to use it to make data-driven decisions.

Overall, I can help you take your digital marketing efforts to the next level by providing valuable insights and recommendations based on the data. I can help you optimize your website’s performance and make data-driven decisions to improve your ROI.

Google Analytics 4 Online Class

If you think I’d be able to help your business, but you aren’t ready to work directly with a consultant, you might instead be interested in my affordable Google Analytics 4 for SEO course. Master the use of Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for SEO by taking this course. We will cover all the necessary steps for setting up GA4 and creating custom reports specifically for tracking organic traffic. In this course you’ll find:

  • Chapter 1: Setting Things Up
  • Chapter 2: Events & Conversions
  • Chapter 3: Collections & Library
  • Chapter 4: How to Create Organic Traffic Report
  • Chapter 5: How to Create Organic Landing Pages Report
  • Chapter 6: How to Create Organic Conversions Report
  • Chapter 7: How to Create Referring Search Engines Report
  • Chapter 8: How to Create Organic Sessions Geo Map Report
  • Chapter 9: How to Create Organic Traffic Dashboard
  • GA4 Organic Traffic Report Creation Cheat-Sheet [PDF]

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of Google Analytics, a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. It is designed to provide a more comprehensive understanding of customer behavior across devices and channels, and it uses machine learning to generate insights and predictions about user behavior. Some of the new features in GA4 include enhanced data collection, improved user identification and cross-device tracking, and the ability to analyze data from other Google products like Google Ads and Google BigQuery.

Universal Analytics is the previous version of Google Analytics, which is based on a traditional, session-based model, where a user’s interactions with a website are grouped into sessions, and data is collected and reported based on those sessions. It mainly focus on website visits and activities, and it provides a wide range of features and tools for analyzing website traffic and user behavior.

A Google Analytics consultant is an expert who can help businesses set up and optimize their analytics tracking, interpret and analyze the data, and make data-driven decisions to improve their online presence. They can ensure that the tracking is set up correctly and that the right data is being collected. They can also create custom reports tailored to specific needs, test different strategies and tactics to optimize performance, provide valuable insights and recommendations based on the data, integrate analytics with other tools, and provide training and education to the team.

Joe Hall is a SEO consultant, web developer, writer, marketer, and artist that has worked on both the national and local levels around a variety of diverse topics and technologies. Most of his work has been focused on developing the tools needed for small businesses and nonprofits to become empowered on the internet. Describing him self as “web-head”, Joe engages the internet with a passion and desire to bring change and new opportunities to his clients and users.

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